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Dawkins wykazuje erudycję i wyrafinowanie, pisząc o zagadnieniach biologii ewolucyjnej, swobodnie porusza się wśród zawiłości swojej dziedziny i bogatej literatury przedmiotu. Gdy jednak zaczyna mówić o Bogu, wkraczamy jakby w inny świat. Jest to świat dyletanckiej dyskusji, w której wypowiada się skarajne, kipiące emocjami sądy, okraszone kilkoma oczywistymi uproszczeniami i nierzadkimi (przypadkowymi jak mogę się domyslać) błędami w interpretacji, które prowadzą do sformułowania pozornie słusznych tez.
Bóg Dawkinsa. Geny, memy i sens życia.
McGrath, Alister
★ - life origin according to science
Dawkins at the time was a professor at Oxford University. One of his admirers had created a special endowment for him, The Charles Simyoni Chair for the Public Understanding of Science.
One of the callers asked Dawkins about the Origin of Life. He replied that it was “a happy chemical accident”.
A happy chemical accident?
What kind of answer was that? And this is Oxford's "Professor of the Public Understanding of Science”?!
What if Isaac Newton had watched the apple fall out of the tree, and instead of formulating a theory of gravity, he had proclaimed it happy accident? I was shocked Dawkins didn’t get laughed right out of the studio.
Evolution 2.0
Marshall, Perry
Some years ago, Dawkins wrote a famous GA software program to demonstrate how Darwinian evolution might successfully work. He entered the following random string of letters into the program.
One letter at a time, his program evolved this string of letters. After only 43 iterations, by randomly changing letters and deleting results it didn’t want, the program reached its preprogrammed goal of the following sentence:
This was heralded as a success. However, Dawkins’ software program was programmed to compare each new sentence to the goal sentence and either select it for continued “mutation” or reject it based on whether it more closely resembled the goal than the previous mutation. But his very own “1.0” Darwinian evolution explicitly forbids preprogrammed goals! So Dawkins’ “Weasel” experiment had nothing to do with the true Neo-Darwinism.
Evolution 2.0
Marshall, Perry