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Is „evolution” the most appropriate word we can use, with conviction, in the 2nd principle of the physics of life? Sure, it is appropriate for explaining long sequences of changes occurring in subsequent generations of living organisms, however, symbiogenesis also plays a key role in these sequences. The key to explaining the complexity of the process of creation and changes in living organisms is the accumulation of resergy, which sooner or later leads to conflicts of interest, a whole set of phenomena, studied by the mathematical game theory. When resergy is scarce, competition or cooperation arises, there are winners and losers, and these attributes are also inherent to this theory! The said theory, applied to the game „Small group evolution”, explains not only the origin of conflicts and struggle, but also of cooperation. The rules of this game allow for two players to create a coalition198 and continue the game as one object – c-player – coalition player.

I’m well aware of the fact that introducing newer and newer terms and definitions can be viewed by some Readers as a sign of an obsession of sorts. However, let’s consider for a moment if it really is an obsession. Biologists have agreed to distinguish between the concepts of evolution, symbiogenesis and endosymbiosis, for according to them – and quite rightly – they are different processes, based on two opposing factors - conflict and cooperation - resulting from the rules of the game which nature enforced upon us. In view of that, can we keep on saying that only evolution created and formed us?

So, it is not an obsession, scientific necessity demands proposing a new definiendum, and here is another problem – how should it sound? “Game theory” is not going to work, for if most of us will not agree that we descended from apes, the idea that some theory created us will be even more ridiculous, and if we add to it a word associated with poker or football, the effect with be extremely ridiculous, and therefore unacceptable. We are created by gerpedelution199 – an iterative process optimising the RPD phenomena, generated by it. A process based on the mathematical game theory (thence the letter “g”), perfecting each another generation of RPD structures using the methods of conflict and cooperation, which occur between these structures while fulfilling their fundamental strategy: “assimilate until you divide”. It also seems that there shouldn’t be many problems in replacing200 the old evolution with gerpedelution: The program of the commemoration includes: awarding an honorary doctorate to Prof. T., a prominent Hungarian gerpedelutionist; lectures on gerpedeltion for students and teachers… Whereas, we must consequently change the formulae of the 2nd principle of the physics of life, which from now on should say: the dynamic of the development of living objects is explained by the theory of gerpedelution. Evolutionary sequences should be replaced with gerpedelutionary sequences.

198 From the analysis of „Small Evolution”, we remember that its rules strongly encourage the players named "producers" to group permanently in order to tighten the cooperation.

199 One of the consultants offered another name - "optisymbioevolutionism". It is a quite good name, which might probably be easier to accept, however, in my opinion, "gerpedelution" is better at presenting the prime components determining the nature of life.

200 The problem of replacing “evolution” is reminiscent of the situation caused by Copernicus at one point. A certain phenomenon and the related theory and concepts (in case of Copernicus it was about what revolves around what, and in case of explaining the riddle of life - about evolution) are rooted so deeply in the minds, literature and other forms of communication, that even an obvious need for changes within them, resulting from the enormity of the problem, causes a natural reluctance to carry them out.