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Escape from camp 14

( Harden, Blaine; Ing Geun, Shin )

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26 Został wyszkolony przez strażników i nauczycieli, aby wierzyć, że za każdym razem, gdy był bity, zasługiwał na to - z powodu zdradzieckiej krwi, którą odziedziczył po rodzicach. Dziewczyna nie była inna. Shin uważał, że jej kara była sprawiedliwa i uczciwa, i nigdy nie złościł się na swojego nauczyciela za zabicie jej. Wierzył, że jego koledzy z klasy czuli to samo.

He had been trained by guards and teachers to believe that every time he was beaten, he deserved it – because of the treasonous blood he had inherited from his parents. The girl was no different. Shin thought her punishment was just and fair, and he never became angry with his teacher for killing her. He believed his classmates felt the same way.


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34 North Korea called itself the Worker’s Paradise, but even as it professed allegiance to communist ideals of equality, it invented one of the world’s most rigidly stratified caste systems. Korea Północna mówi o sobie jako o Raju Pracujących, ale pomimo głoszenia ideałów równości, wprowadziła jeden z najbardziej skrajnych systemów kastowych na świecie. lewactwo


35 The only North Koreans considered trustworthy enough to become guards in political prison camps were men like An Myeong Chul, the son of a North Korean intelligence officer. He was recruited into the Bowibu at nineteen, after two years of military service. As part of the process, the loyalty of his entire extended family was checked. He was also required to sign a document saying he would never disclose the existence of the camps. Sixty percent of the two hundred young men who were recruited with him as guards were also the sons of intelligence officers. bezpieczniacy

41 „An elite family in Pyongyang does not live nearly as well – in terms of material possessions, creature comforts and entertainment options – as the family of an average salaryman in Seoul,” Andrei Lankov, a Russian-born political scientist who attended college in Pyongyang and now teaches at Kookmin University in Seoul, told me. tyrania

41 In Pyongyang, living standards for the core class are luxurious only by the standards of a country where a third of the population is chronically hungry. W Pyongyang standard życia klasy uprzywilejowanej jest luksusuowy, ale tylko na tle pozostałych. A trzeba pamiętać, że jedna trzecia tych pozostałych jest chronicznie niedożywiona. tyrania

62 He rubbed salty cabbage soup into the wounds as a disinfectant. Do przemywania ran używał słonego kapuśniaku jako środka dezynfekującego. survival

88 Private markets, which today supply most of the food North Koreans eat, have become the fundamental reason why most outside experts say a catastrophic 1990s-style famine is unlikely to happen again. wolny rynek

89 The government had little choice – after the famine, the collapse of its food-distribution system and the rise of private markets – but to offer farmers higher prices and increase incentives to grow more food. Private farming on small plots of land was legalized in 2002. This allowed more private farm-to-market trade, which increased the power of traders and the autonomy of productive farmers. wolny rynek

102 Trust was a good way to get shot. Ufność szybko prowadziła do tego, że można było być zastrzelonym. survival

107 Their relationship echoed, in many ways, the bonds of trust and mutual protection that kept prisoners alive and sane in Nazi concentration camps. In those camps, researchers found, the „basic unit of survival” was the pair, not the individual. survival

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118 Shin did not know it, but to pass safely through the fence he needed a device that could shunt the flow of current from the fence to the ground. Park’s body, lying on damp ground on top of the bottom strand of wire, became that device. survival

142 The North Korean government had been forced – by catastrophic famine in the mid-1990s and the importance of Chinese foodstuffs in feeding the population – to tolerate a porous border with China. That tolerance became semi-official policy in 2000, when North Korea promised leniency to those who had fled the country in search of food. It was a belated admission that tens of thousands of famine-stricken North Koreans had already gone to China and that the country was increasingly dependent on their remittances. Also, by 2000, traders by the thousands had begun to move back and forth across the border supplying food and goods for markets that had all but replaced the government’s public distribution system. państwowe / prywatne

151 For the Chinese government, an uncontrolled surge of impoverished Korean refugees is undesirable for several reasons. It would dramatically worsen poverty in China’s three northeast provinces, which have largely missed out on the wealth generated by the country’s economic boom. More important, it might precipitate regime collapse in North Korea and lead to the unification of the Korean Peninsula under a Seoul-based government closely allied with the United States. In the process, China would lose a key buffer between one of its poorest regions and a united, affluent and West-oriented Korea. That, in turn, could arouse nationalist sentiments among ethnic Koreans in the Chinese borderlands. konstruktory

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154 North Korean government launched a disastrous currency reform that impoverished and enraged tens of thousands of traders. inflacja

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164 They tend not to say „thank you” or „sorry”. kapitalizm/socjalizm

172 South Korea’s economy is 38 times larger than the North’s; its international trade volume is 224 times larger. wolny rynek

175 South Korea’s obsession with achievement has paid astonishing dividends. International economists often describe South Korea as the single most impressive example of what free markets, democratic government and elbow grease can do to transform a small agrarian backwater into a global powerhouse. wolny rynek