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Cykl Glubba - Faza Intelektu

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Był skazany właśnie dlatego, że tak dobrze mu się powodziło, że nie miał chęci ryzykować życia, aby tego dobrego życia bronić.

He was condemned precisely because he prospered so well, he had no desire to risk his life, to defend the good life.

Krąg pierwszy Sołżenicyn, Aleksander 9788307024950:546

We put on our clothes after we finished posing and went back out and joined the discussion with the art experts. Their talks were fascinating, in a way. For one thing, they showed that you can make a debate out of anything. One professor said this gathering marked “the entry of the highly developed, beautiful masculine form into the sphere of official culture.” The next guy thought that because of Vietnam, America was looking for a new definition of virility, which was us. But then he tied bodybuilding to Aryan racism in 1920s Europe and the rise of the Nazis and warned that we symbolized the possible growth of fascism in the United States. Another professor compared our poses to the worst Victorian-era kitsch. He got booed. Total Recall. My unbelievably true life story. Schwarzenegger, Arnold 9781849839730:198

Moves like these are not in any disaster response manuals. I saw what happened during Katrina when officials at every level waited for someone else to take action – because that’s what the manuals say you’re supposed to do. “Every disaster is local,” the experts told me. State officials are supposed to wait until local officials ask for assistance; federal officials wait until state officials ask for help, and so on. “Bullshit,” I said. “That’s how thousands of people were left stranded on rooftops in New Orleans. That is not going to happen here.” My rule was simple: “I want action. If you need to do something that’s not in the manual, throw the manual out. Do whatever you have to do. Just get it done.” Total Recall. My unbelievably true life story. Schwarzenegger, Arnold 9781849839730:567

W państwie republikańskim i wszędzie tam, gdzie szuka się władzy i bogactw, nikt nie liczy się z honorem. Girolamo Cardano Autobiografia Cardano, Girolamo GIROLAMO:257
